I know you're looking at my webpage and wondering how in the world can you make such great pages as well (yeah, right)! I finally got fed up with WYSIWYG's and decided to do this all on my own. This, of course, meant that I had to learn a great deal more than the average WYSIWYGer, but I have more functionality and control over what I create. Below you'll find some links to some HTML basic and advanced pages and, after you've found a home for your pages, engines that you can submit them to so that other people might search and view your creations.
A Beginner's Guide to HTML - Excellent place from NCSA on "just the facts, ma'am". A no nonsense page that will help you get your pages up an running quickly.
D.J. Quad's Ultimate HTML Site - A "friendlier" environment for HTML facts. Help with everything from Dynamic HTML to CGI scripting to cookies.
How do they do that with HTML? - See something that you really like but can't find at any of the above links? This place will show you how to add some pizzaz to your web page.
The HTML Guru! - An excellent page for more information on HTML coding. Has various tricks and tips to help work around some problems and exploit others.
Voodoo's Home - An incredible site that'll have you programming java-script and applets in no time at all. You can download the HTML, Word v7.0, or the PDF format (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader) tutorials to use off-line.
Simple Submit - Once it's all said and done, go here and submit your web-site to overa dozen search engines on the web for free. If you're really wanting to get people to your site, you can also use SiteOwner.
And for those of you who aren't so brave, I've listed some software download sites below so that you might download your own WYSIWYG (amongst other things...).
Download.Com - Not only does Download.Com have a large selection of categories from which to choose your software but it also gives you the ability to see reviews on what you might download. It's Weekly Picks help to keep you informed about what types of tools the current market it using and the ablity to Power Search make this an excellent site to look on for your software needs.
File World - This is PC World's collection of software available for download. It's categories span everything from antivirus programs to video utilities, making this a great place to download and learn about quality programs.
Theme World - Hundreds and hundreds of themes for Windows. This is the definitive place to do if you've ever wanted to give your computer some "personality". This site is ever growing and the sheer number of themes is mind-boggling. Be sure you know what you are looking for as you might end up spending all your time downloading everything.